Chiranjeevi’s nephew Sai Dharam Tej is debuting in Tollywood as a hero with the film Rey. The latest news is Sai Dharam Tej has been injured
on the sets of the film while shooting in USA and the doctors have advised the young actor a month rest.
Finally, the unit members have returned back to India by stalling the shooting. Being directed and produced by YVS Choudary on his Bommarillu banner, Rey introduces Subra Ayya to Tollywood as heroine. Major part of the movie is being filmed in USA, West Indies etc.
on the sets of the film while shooting in USA and the doctors have advised the young actor a month rest.
Finally, the unit members have returned back to India by stalling the shooting. Being directed and produced by YVS Choudary on his Bommarillu banner, Rey introduces Subra Ayya to Tollywood as heroine. Major part of the movie is being filmed in USA, West Indies etc.
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